When are you coming back? When are You making all things new? When will the groaning stop? You declared it finished at the cross but please tell me there's more to come. Don't leave us struggling in sin and sickness. You say you are with us always and I know You are with me and sustaining me but I live in a world that is not run as Your kingdom should be run. I live in a graveyard; a dump of our own making. We can't do anything about it - only You can. Only in Your strength. Only by Your grace. Go all out. Let Your mercies overflow. I don't just want a miracle. I don't just want an answered prayer. I want You in all Your love and glory. And because of Christ I won't be destroyed.
Would you light a revival in Manurewa to bring sinners into your fold. Work in the police department...Work powerfully on earth to save sinners by your blood so that You might come back and take us home to Yourself. I'm homesick Yahweh. I don't know what home is like. I don't know when You will come but I know my home is in You. I will be restless until I'm in Your house. While I'm on earth let my heart abide in You.
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him"-
these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything even the depths of God. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10