Dear Casey Joy,
You are a brave soul. A warrior of Joy. Your life (outside the womb) started with a burst and a rush and you fought through. You were born on the perfect day- the 7th of April. Eight days early. I'm so thankful for you. Your brother and sisters and Baba and I prayed for you to come early, and God answered!
Last night I was thinking about how helpless you are, completely dependent and yet you have a powerful voice - you peep and Mama comes to feed you. You cry and people rush to your rescue. Your heavenly Daddy's voice created the world! Even as you grow more and more capable, compared to Yahweh we are all rather helpless. And yet, I hope you come to know more and more the power and dignity He has endowed you with; your voice is powerful, your song is powerful, your praise is powerful.
As Jesus was knitting you together in my womb He has been teaching me about the power of joy and the power of worship. You are a Warrior and your weapon is praise. Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants - Yahweh is exalted and our enemy is scattered! You were born in the center of lockdown. New Zealand and the rest of the world was paused because of the covid19 pandemic and you came forward. When fear and anxiety run rampant, God led us in song. As we awaited your arrival, we sang praises. God always leads us in triumph. He protects us with His peace. You are an emblem of joy, of peace, of beauty in the midst of a war of confusion.
Yahweh has a brave and strong calling over your life and you are absolutely perfect for the task He's given you. You are the perfect one - born on the perfect day. He does all things well. You never have to be any more or any less than who He's created you to be. Just rest in His love, His delight and sing the chorus He's placed within your soul. When you were growing inside me - my midwife and growth scans told me you were growing bigger than normal. I was anxious at first but Abba told me He's giving me a big girl with a big calling. This silenced my fear and thrilled my heart. You are the perfect size for who He's created you to be. You can't fit inside normal when Yahweh's created you to be extraordinary. He's a good Creator. Grow into all He's called you to be my little one. Watch with anticipation and expectancy as He works out His purposes all around you. God's given you eyes of faith. Be vigilant in prayer. There's no cap on what God can do.
I can't imagine loving you more or being more thankful for you. My heart is growing. You are the perfect addition to our family. So much life and beauty and hope packed into such a small little package. God bless you Casey!
Mama xoxo
*Casey means brave, warrior, vigilant, watchful
Taking her home from the Birth Center!