Friday, July 20, 2012

Reflections on a Name

In Africa a mother is known by the name of her first child. In Swahili I would be 'Mama Zeke' or 'Toto Zeke' in Karamojong. When I learned this during my time in Karamoja I thought on how the woman as an individual seems to get lost in her role as a mother. When she takes on a husband and bears children for him, she no longer has her own unique name but is known only as the mother of her children. She is defined and known by this role of being a mother.

As I was reading the opening chapters of Exodus a few days ago I was struck by the wonder of our great God! God is revealing His ways to His servant Moses. God tells Moses that He sees the affliction, hears their cry and knows the suffering of the Israelites. God, in His graciousness, has a plan to rescue and save them from their oppressors. Moses asks God to provide a defining name for Himself to give to the Israelites. God answers “Say to the people of Israel, 'The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has sent me to you.' This is My name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations..” The all-powerful Creator and Sustainer of the universe defines Himself by His relationship to His people. Time and time again God refers to Himself as the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of David, God of Israel,...God of Eden. God chooses to identify with lowly man. He takes on the name of His people and shares His great name with us. Thank you Abba!


  1. Love this entry, Eden! It would've made a great INSIGHT reflective essay.....hahaha! How incredible that our God wants to be known by the names of His children! Truly He is Abba!

  2. Hi Eden! I enjoy reading your blog. How are you doing and feeling? It is cold there right? Blessings to you and Andrew...

  3. Wow. This is really incredible!!....and just what I needed today! I love you so much! and am soo grateful for the revelations God gives you and the way you express them! xoxoxo

  4. Eden, wow. What an insight you have shared. Thank you Abba indeed. xxx
