Monday, January 26, 2015

Walking Country

I used to walk the country Gordonton roads in silence. I'd unload my thoughts and enjoy the healing solitude. I'd pray or cry or praise or sing and be washed in the fellowship and peace of a constant Savior. Before long a front pack joined our walks and then a stroller which soon turned into a double. Before we left for Auckland I'd pack my babes in the stroller, they'd often fall asleep, now and then a cry would escape but mostly pure enjoyment.

It's good to be back in Gordonton and enjoy long walks with the sights sounds and smells. Zeke and Tazara have filled and changed my world in so many ways. My silence is interrupted by "Mama LOOK it's a butterfly!! I've seen SIX little little butterflys!" from under Zeke's hat. "Can we see the dead bird again?!" A minute later my speed walk is halted by "Can we climb the rock mountains Mama??" There little thoughts and questions demand response and interaction. I won't usually take much notice of the cows munching grass by the fence. Zeke and Tazara take note of their every move and have to see if they can get close enough to 'pet' the creatures (or else try and scare them with a mighty roar). Tazara's vocabulary is expanding hourly as she lets the world know everything that is going on inside her head and without. Most of her scenery is blocked by Zeke's stroller seat but she'll happily sing a tune from her limited perch.

I love the enthusiasm and fresh joy that bubbles out of this two and three year old. I don't get God to myself anymore but God's placed two little people in my life that I can't ignore. They shout so many insights and lessons at me if only I will take time to look and listen and remember that the message and the messenger are from my loving Savior.

Tazara after "picking" blueberries. Yum!:)

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