Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Year's prayer.

Mama and I have started a tradition in the last few years of exchanging and talking over New Year's resolutions together around the start of a new calender. This year I'm off to a good start. Before the first days of 2014 I wrote out for myself a "to do" list, a prayer, a schedule and some goals. I know goals and schedules and inspirational planning doesn't do it for some people but for me they really get me excited and motivated. Also, I like to go back and see areas God's worked, I've grown or things that have gotten worse and I need to pray about and work towards.

Here's a prayer for the New Year. I wrote it back at the beginning of December during a low patch. It's become really meaningful as I see God working in specific areas of my life and changing me for His glory. It's rather personal but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one out there that's a sinner so I thought some others might relate and be able to benefit. I can't think of anything that thrills me more than having heart to hearts with friends and family and sharing ways we're growing and things God is teaching us. I would so love to hear from you and learn what's on your heart this year and meaningful insights God's been sharing with you. For now, Here tis:

 Abba, What would it mean for me to not judge? I'd have to be secure in you. I'd have to know my beauty in you. I'd have to know my place in you. I'd have to know I'm held and loved by you. I'd have to not fear all that is frightening. Let it be God. Grow bigger before my eyes. Replace my pride with humility. Replace my fear with perfect peace and contentment. Bathe me in your love and delight and beauty and holiness. Quickly God I need these changes. My sin is ugly and devastating; it erodes all that is good. Come quickly God and save me. Make me after thyself. This year God change me. I'm scared of so many things. I'm hurt by so many things. I avoid so many things. You are mighty and powerful and beautiful and holy, you are in me so I need not be afraid or insecure or threatened. Make me a fruitful deeply planted/grounded tree by the river of your house - soaking up all that is good. Left to myself I push away and destroy everything good you've given me. Please take me deeply into your heart where I can grow and flourish and be free and alive. Yes God do it. A new year is approaching - this is my wish and desire. Thank you Abba. Thank you so much!


  1. Amen sister! I need that prayer too. You are a treasure, my friend. x

    1. Thank you Jess! Lets keep one another in our prayers. I won't have to try to think of you... I miss your rich friendship and encouragement. You're such a gem. xx
